Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Quick update on my day...
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Monday, June 29, 2009
Trader Joe's
I'm hoping to get back there in the next few days (or possibly after the 4th of July weekend) and take a closer look at these and other American made treats.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It is hard not to smile and become totally engrossed in this dog's journey of finding the safest place for his bone. I find myself wondering what safe-keeping spot the dog will chose next, and hoping he will be satisfied with the safety of his bone.
Take a look, and let me know what you think. I love it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Great run through agility course! Take a look!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Texas Toothpicks!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Little Update
I apologize for not updating the blog more regularly – I have been extremely busy these last few weeks. I thought I would fill you in with what has been happening in my life lately.
This past weekend (Thursday through Tuesday) I dog sat for my friends Dave and Rachel… they have a lovely chocolate lab mix named Hershey. Hershey is about 10 months old, and while what she is mixed with is unknown, she looks like a miniature Chocolate Lab (think full lab look in Springer Spaniel size). It was a delight having her in the house, but having an active young dog did keep me on my toes most of the long weekend she was with me.
On Friday, I was able to leave work early, and a friend and I took Milly and Hershey on a wonderful hike. If you live in the
Hershey came to my house with a set of instructions, one of which was she absolutely loves water and swimming. At one point on the hike there is a large tidal pool (maybe 20 feet in diameter at its largest spot) and probably 5-6 feet deep at least. Here I let Hershey and Milly off of their leashes, and allowed Hershey to swim for a good 45 minutes. She loved it. Milly also enjoyed the hike, but Milly is not a fan of swimming. Instead, my darling Golden Retriever simply waded in the water up to her belly, and flirted with some environmental scientists who walked by. In case you were wondering, Milly is an excellent flirt, and in this case her flirtations certainly paid off as the researchers stopped and rubbed her belly for quite some time. Milly also was able to enjoy off leash time during the hike, and bounded through the woods shaking her head and wagging her tail. It was wonderful to see her darting around, leaping off of ledges and over logs with a look of total bliss on her face! Though Milly is 9 or 10 years old she was acting like a young puppy, and I do think having Hershey around for the weekend really helped Milly reconnect with her own youthful side.
On another note, you might remember me blogging about having found the right breeder for my next puppy, and my excitement as I anticipated this breeding to take place. Well, that was many months ago, and since then the breeding has occurred (it took), and the puppies were whelped about a week ago – seven healthy pups – 2 males and 5 females. A few weeks before the April breeding took place, I realized I really am not at the place in my life to fly all the way across the country (the breeder is in San Diego) to pick up a puppy, and with this horrible economy I simply did not feel this was the right time to invest in a puppy. I’m not going to lie, asking the breeder to remove my name from the waiting list was devastating, and I shed many tears. I had such high hopes for this litter, and for getting a puppy from it, but I have since realized that there is a puppy out there for me, and when the time is right I will get my next Golden Retriever. It still pains me to see the photos of this litter, and know one of those puppies was supposed to be mine. I have saved up enough money to purchase a puppy on the East Coast, and hopefully one of these days this will happen. Right now, I need to focus on my career, Milly, and possibly moving to a new rental property (with a larger yard!), though.
Don’t forget to enter the Austrian Crystal Dog Bone Pendant GIVEAWAY!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Chicken treats, Milly got sick, and I found a great dog store!
A few weeks ago I fed Milly breakfast, gave her a dehydrated chicken treat, and headed to work. When I returned at lunchtime to check on Milly there was vomit everywhere and I was so worried! I cleaned it all up, made sure she was acting normal and drinking, and reluctantly headed back to work for my last two hours. I spent my time at work wishing I was with Milly, worried sick about her, wondering what could have made her vomit 8 or 9 times, and if she was okay.
I went through my mind of possible problems: the day before I had done yard work, and had not yet had a chance to pick up all of the clippings from the yard, could she have eaten something toxic? I mixed in a Taste of the Wild food sample (25% Taste of the Wild, and 75% her regular Fromm) with her breakfast, because I was thinking about switching – did the new food do it to her? And lastly, what I now think was the culprit… I had acquired two bags of Waggin’ Train dehydrated chicken strips – I fed the first bag to Milly the weeks leading up to the incident with no problems, and she loved them, but on the morning of her illness I gave her the first treat from a new bag. I have since learned the problem with Waggin’ Train treats is they are made in
After lots of worrying, Milly turned out to be just fine, but vomiting 8 or 9 times is something to really be concerned about! I have since had her around the same plants that were clipped, and tried feeding her more Taste of the Wild food with no problems… the only thing different I did that day was that bag of chicken treats! I even found the treat in one pile of vomit, so I know shortly after eating breakfast she fell ill. I have saved this bag of treats, and am currently looking for a company to test them and see if there are toxins in this batch of treats. She has not been given any more of these treats, and I will never feed her this brand again (or any other made in
This incident really frightened me, and I want to publicly thank a wonderful veterinarian in the area by the name of Dr. Amy Poole, who kindly offered her assistance to me on this terrifying day.
Since then I have been on the hunt for some high quality treats to stock up on. I make my own biscuit type treats, but I like to give Milly something that takes her a bit longer to eat when I leave for work.
On Thursday, I stopped by a new dog store (well, new to me) in Clarendon (a neighborhood in
I’ll post a photo (update: photo posted!) of my wonderful purchases when I get home, but wanted to quickly mention that among the many, many, many treats I bought I also picked up a bottle of doggie beer! It is non-alcoholic, contains beef broth, and was a major hit with Milly and her puppal Hershey. I’ll right a full review of my experience with Bowser Beer at a later date, but it is great stuff, and a fun treat to give the dogs on occasion.
Don’t forget to enter the Austrian Crystal Dog Bone Pendant GIVEAWAY!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Doggie Perfumes
I actually grew up making my own linen spray (my mom taught me how when I was 8) out of water and organic lavender oil. I kept it in a spray bottle and would spritz my sheets and pillowcase each night before bed (and sometimes spritz myself). I have always had trouble sleeping and the lavender did seem to have a very calming effect on me. It was so simple to make this spray – simply fill a spray bottle with water (I prefer filtered or bottled water for this purpose) and add 10-15 drops of organic lavender essential oil (add more for a stronger scent) and shake before using. In the same way I made this linen/sheet spray I have made similar natural fly repellents for horses and “perfumes” for dogs. When I am making a dog perfume I prefer to go with essential oils of citrus fruits (think grapefruit, lemon, orange and lime) with a small amount of lavender, and a small amount of chamomile – but really it is up to your own personal scent preferences. Making your own dog perfumes with organic essential oils (which can be found in health food stores) is cost effective in the long haul, but the initial cost of the essential oils can quickly add up. The annoying part of making it yourself is you do have to shake it before use, so if you’d like a store bought natural option I’d recommend the Pure Dog Freshener.

(I took this photo with my webcam, and I apologize that it is a mirror image -
thus the font on the bottle is backwards)
I love the rejuvenating aroma of the citrus scents, and Milly does not seem to mind being spritzed down one bit with either the Pure Dog Freshener. Because citruses can irritate the eyes please use caution when trying this product on your dog, and be sure to avoid their face. I have found that using Pure Dog Freshener every few days can add an extra week to Milly’s grooming sessions before she starts to smell like “a dog”, and to me that is worth it! I bought my bottle for under $10 (I want to say in the $5-8 range, but can’t remember) at a small mom-and-pop pet supply store specializing in carrying natural and high-end pet products. It was worth every cent, and I love the scent!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am pleased to announce The Wet Nose is having our second GIVEAWAY to reward all of you loyal readers, and encourage you all to continue to spread the word about your favorite dog blogs!
Because our last GIVEAWAY was an all-natural, organic bully stick that a wonderful yellow lab named Abby was able to enjoy I wanted to ensure dog owners also could get some fun from this GIVEAWAY!
Bring some bling into your life with this dog bone pendant encrusted with authentic Austrian crystals on a 19” adjustable chain with lobster clasp and small logo tag. It is absolutely adorable! Other uses for this would be to rig it into a tag to hang on your pups collar for nights when you want your dog to walk in style, or, what I think I would do with this if I had it would be to have a jeweler affix a small toggle so it could be attached to my charm bracelet or I would wear it to a dog fundraiser!
Let me know what your favorite summer activities with your dogs are, what you would do with this necklace, and how you plan on wearing it, and become a follower of The Wet Nose, and you will be entered to win. Remember, you get entered twice if you link to The Wet Nose on your blog.
Good luck! This necklace is beautiful!
The drawing will take place using a random number generator at 3:00pm on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. GOOD LUCK!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
When I was little I started the Greensboro Annual Dog Show in Greensboro, VT. One of my favorite classes at this dog show I founded, arranged, and put on as a 10-13 year old was the "Dog Owner Look Alike Class"... boy would that be fun to judge! With reminiscence of my youth I present to you this look-a-like.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Poodles: They Aren't as "Frue Frue" as You Think!!

Lately I have been running into a lot of people who make fun of poodles, and roll their eyes at me when I say I would love to own a Standard Poodle one day. It amazes me that people who love other retrievers (like Goldens and
Did you know that the Poodle is the original retriever? The breed, which started in
So what should you expect in a Poodle? First, brains! These dogs are extremely smart, and regarded by dog fanciers as one of the most intelligent dog breeds. The Poodle Club of America explains, “The Poodle is an active, intelligent, ruggedly-built dog which is at the same time elegant and refined. Well-bred Poodles in all three varieties have steady, calm nerves, hardy constitutions and they can be easily trained.” Poodles are very people oriented, often thinking of themselves more as people than dogs, and they do expect to be treated in such a manner. This personality makes the Poodle a wonderful companion. If you own a Poodle you should raise the dog in the house, and give it plenty of love, affection, and mental and physical stimulation. If not properly stimulated Poodles are prone to getting into mischief, so be sure to provide this high energy dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. The good thing is their high intelligence makes the Poodle very easy to train, and they are one of the easiest breeds to housebreak!
Poodles excel in a variety of sports, and are still today used for their original purpose as retrieving dogs and gun dogs. Poodles are known to also excel in other areas where their sturdy build, physical endurance, and brains help them win titles in obedience, agility, tracking, rally and field trials. The Poodle is not just a sturdy well built athletic dog, but also has grace and beauty – it is this beauty that has helped Poodles win Best in Show titles at some of the most coveted dog shows in the conformation ring, including The West Minster Kennel Club Show (in 2002) and the World Dog Show (in 2007).
The Poodles coat is often referred to as hair, rather than fur. They have a single layer (with no undercoat) of dense curly fur (or hair). The texture of their fur ranges from coarse and woolly to very soft and wavy. Their coats shed minimally, making them ideal candidates for allergy sufferers who want to own a dog.
A lot of people who are prejudiced against Poodles often reference their hair cuts when talking about why a Poodle is not the breed for them. The cut or clip most people think of is the show clip, usually the “English Saddle” or “Continental” clips. This show clip takes many hours of grooming (think at least 10 hours a week) to maintain, but don’t let that stop you from getting a Poodle as a pet. Poodles can also be shown (in some breed registries) with a corded coat. Despite the Rastafarian look of this style, it is very time consuming and takes a lot of attention to detail, and diligent grooming to encourage the coat to remain corded neatly. It is much less time consuming to groom a Poodle in a pet clip, and often this can be done at home with the right tools – Poodles as pets usually require regularly brushings, and grooming only every 6-8 weeks.
This photo shows a Standard Poodle with a corded clip.
The show clip, which turns so many off to Poodles, is thought to have derived from their original use as water retrievers, because this clip provides warmth to major joints while swimming in cold waters, but the rest of the body is clipped to enable less drag while swimming in the water.
Another turn off to the breed, I think The Poodle Club of America is partially responsible for, is in AKC shows the Standard Poodle now competes in the Companion Category, rather than the Sporting Group category. Some critics suggest this is because the Companion Group is easier to win, while supporters suggest the Poodle’s human like temperament makes them more suitable as companions than sporting dogs.
To learn more about the Poodle and their breed standard in
Take a look at these photos, and think to yourself, is this really a fruffy dog?
These photos demonstrate the variety of colors allowed in the Poodle breed standard, as well as their ability as true bird dogs.
Poodles were bred as water retrievers, and this ancestry makes them excellent swimmers. You can even find Poodles competing in Dock Diving competitions!
This Poodle seen here pulling a cart shows the tremendous versatility Poodles have.
Yet another color of Poodle. Poodles excel in agility, as seen in this photo.