Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Reads:

This past Christmas I enjoyed reading Marley & Me. I found it to be a fun read, quite the page turner, and heartwarming. There were parts of the book I loved, parts that made me cry, chapters upon chapters of laughter and pages where I found myself not agreeing with all of the pet-rearing methods used with Marley. All in all, I loved reading the book, and couldn’t put it down. I give it Four-Paws, and Five Stars!

I also enjoyed the Marley & Me movie, but as always, I found the book to be much better, and wished the movie had developed more of the topics covered in the novel. I give it Four-Paws, and Four Stars!

I am currently reading what is proving to be an amazing book called Merle’s Door. Thus far, I think Merle’s Door is more eloquently written book than
Marley & Me, and the descriptions carry you off to another land and place, one with Merle at your side and nature all around you. I’ll let you know what I think when I’m finished reading it.
Here’s the synopsis on the back of the book:

Merle's Door: Synopsis

Merle and Ted found each other in the Utah desert. Merle was about ten months old, surviving on his own, and looking for a human to hang his heart on. Ted was forty-one, liked to write about animals, and had been searching for a pup whom he could shape into a companion. The training went both ways. Ted showed Merle how to live around wildlife, and Merle reshaped Ted's ideas about the complexity of a dog's mind, showing him how a dog's intelligence could be expanded by allowing it to make more of its own decisions. Acting as Merle's translator, and using Merle's life and lessons as a door into the world of dogs, Ted takes us on the journey they shared. He explores why the dog-human bond is so intense and how people and dogs communicate so readily with each other. He also uses the latest wolf research—showing that wolves treat maturing pups as partners rather than as subordinates—to explain how sharing leadership with your dog, rather than being its alpha, can help to create a healthier, more self-reliant, and better-socialized companion. Funny, fascinating, and tender, Merle's Door is a moving love story that reveals how the partnership between dogs and humans can become far more than we have imagined.

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